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Education of Bangladesh

             Education of Bangladesh

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Bangladesh is a developing country. Here We face many problem in our daily life. Education is one of the major problem in Bangladesh.

Primary Education:


The Bangladeshi education system is unusually complex in that primary, middle, senior and tertiary education are oriented towards general, madresh or  vocational preferences Even private schools and universities are heavily subsidized. in fact the constitution decrees that children between ages 6 and 10 will pay nothing. To complicate things further, local education is controlled by a hierarchy of school  and Madrasah boards. The first phase, fully free primary school lasts for 5 years, typically between ages 5 and 10.

Middle Education: 

Pupils aged approximately 11 years of age enter junior secondary school and Madrasah .This is a critical phase in their young lives, for here they must confirm an educational choice that might  dictate their futures irrevocably.

Secondary Education:

Those who choose to complete the last 4 of their 10 school or Madrasah grades at general secondary schools mighty  specialize in humanities, science or commerce to mention but a few. At the end of this They may write a secondary school certificate examination supervised by no less than 8 school boards. They may select to follow the madrash religious education route that culminates.

Vocational Education: 

Another students switch across to vocational training institutes or technical training centers administered by the ministry of education and the ministry of labor and employment respectively. Choices here are between longer term professional certification and shorter term job specific orientation and many others.

Tertiary Education:

Students who stay either course have choices once. These include writing their higher secondary education certificate after 2 more years at a technical or poly technical institute where they hone their practical skills further.  They may enter one of many private or state funded universities for 4 to 5 years of undergraduate study and dergraduate also.

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